Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 5, 2012


In case you didn't know, 1st May 2012 marked the 6th Anniversary of Missus Singapore. How time flies! I'd just like to take some time to thank my dear friends who have been the fuel behind many of my topics here. 

I have written a lot about my girlfriends over the years. As most of you know, I do tend to have a bunch that I frequently go out with and we have all stuck together throughout the years. We have shared some of our happiest, saddest and strangest experiences with one another and hope to do so for many years more.

I've also had opportunities to link up with some old friends, acquaintances and the likes but simply didn't quite click for some reason or other. To call them superficial would perhaps be giving them too much importance because they simply disappoint more than anything else.

I've had some old schoolmates show some interest in hanging out over the years but as I got to know them better, I've come to sense some displeasure or disapproval of my ways. Let the records show that  am a very highly sexed woman and love to dress up (thanks to my early modeling days) for every outing. I just like to look my best but when they see that I do it, even at my age, they feel that I am overdoing it or merely trying to attract unnecessary attention.

This is the very reason why I started Missus Singapore - to instil confidence in women and live the life they always dreamed about. 

I like to look my best, no two ways about it. I spend lots of time keeping in shape and doing all the things that I want to do in this short and unpredictable life. I certaintly am not bothered by what they do so I find it strange why they should. Perhaps, some people just never grow up.

I didn't need a psychologist friend's analysis that they were probably jealous that I am still 'hot and sexy' (her words) after all these years. I never made an issue about it but apparently and sadly, I could sense that they did.

One of them told another that I shouldn't be dressing like I do or post sexy photos of myself here on in Facebook. They don't like the way I walk or dance (deemed too suggestive). Oh god they are prudes or what!

Well, the good news is that after I sensed all that nonsense (I have a philosophy of keeping away from such negative people), I subsequently stopped my outings with them, preferring to have wild girls' nights out with my solid and longtime, non-judgemental group of girlfriends.

Not wanting to sound self-absorbent or conceited but unlike this group, the other one comprising of old classmates, just couldn't handle me being hot and sexy. I can fully associate what some gorgeous women seem to feel that they find it difficult to make close girlfriends because of their looks. I thought my old classmates would be bigger than that because of our history together but I was wrong. Maybe they hate it that I still attract men at 'my age'? Is it a crime?

One good friend of mine loves to hang out with me because she claims, 'all the sexy men seem to hang around me' (she calls me a dick magnet) and that gives her 'a good opportunity to meet a hot guy'. So I suppose it has it's benefits, i.e. hanging with me.

Well, looking at this bunch of so-called friends, they have let themselves go, literally. If only they embrace true friendships and asked, I would be most willing to help them achieve what they want in terms of losing weight and looking their best. It never crossed my mind that being out of shape of having lost their youthful looks would be factors for consideration in hanging out with them.

So I look good, I have lots of sex and live my live by doing the things I enjoy. Hey, everyone can do it if they want to. The thing is, it is so much easier to ridicule and display jealousy than make positive changes in one's life I worked hard to be happy and am proud of it - it's not something that just fell on my lap.

Case in point about shallow friendships, one such friend who imitated constantly how she enjoyed my company during our many outings, is suddenly moving to another country. I was the last to find out, and not even from her own mouth. Disappointed? A little. But I won't be shedding a tear, thanks to my REAL group of crazy girlfriends, who incidentally, are all hot and sexy too, and who do not give you a moment to wallow in sadness or self-pity!

So the bottom line is choose your friends wisely. Keep away from the negative ones and embrace the ones who accept you for who you are and what you do. Consider yourself lucky if you only have one such friend. I am elated because I have eight of them! For six years, they have constantly bombarded me with ideas and topics to write about and have really helped to keep Missus Singapore buzzing.

Here's a toast for my special group of girlfriends and of course to six years of Missus Singapore.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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