Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 5, 2012

Teochew Porridge (Macpherson Road): No Sweet and Sour Pork here!

I was just searching for a good Teochew Muay place to eat at and it just dawned on me that I hardly know of any good Air-Conditioned places to eat Teochew Muay ever since my friend SCS Butter decided to close Teochew Muay!  Don't you think it would be great to have Teochew Porridge in a nicer air con environment?  Granted there are some hotels that are doing this, but what I would really love

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This week's video, I'd like to highlight something that has been close to my heart - the fight against child porn. I am not against porn per say as long as it is kept 'clean' and performed by consenting adults. By 'clean' I mean no children, animals and anyone forced to do it. Let's do out little part to ensure that this stops.

If you know of anyone indulging in this or have seen it on the Internet, report them to the authorities straight away. It is NEVER too late to stop their suffering and exploitation. Join me in the fight! Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I was reading a report about some bootleg drugs have taken the lives of numerous men. All of them were not seeking enhanced sexual performance but a bigger penis. It brought back a conversation I had early last year with some readers on their thoughts on having a bigger penis.

Apparently, many were open to the idea of enhancing their manhood's proportions but thankfully, all were only prepared to do it by proven medical methods. Well, that is what they tell me anyway.

However, a report from one European country indicated that more men are ending up in hospital for consuming pills meant to make their penises bigger. And in a criminal case in New Jersey last year, one woman was charged with manslaughter after injecting silicone into her man's penis who had bought her claim of being able to make him bigger. He died.

Just how far are you guys willing to go to make your penis bigger or is it really that important to you? If you trust the word of an older woman, well, work on your techniques! It pleases a woman a lot more!

I've had them really big, I mean huge, and perhaps you may even stumble upon it on some porn flick, but they are USUALLY semi-flaccid in real. While there are those that are hard, most aren't. I am talking hard enough to feel it stretch your insides.

On the other hand, should you come across a big and long one that is super hard, chances are they might stretch your walls a little too much for comfort.

I won't lie. A big penis is always great to look at and feel but unless they are able to get it rock-hard, I'll take a smaller hard one anyday. (Of course by small, we are not talking puny!) So if you want to continue your quest to get a bigger penis, be smart about it. Dead should not be a trade-off!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 5, 2012

Crossing the bridge

When the by-election was first announced a couple of weeks ago, my colleague confidently declared that the Hougang ward will revert to the PAP. I thought it was not likely as that will require a 15% swing, given that the last incumbent, Mr Yaw Shin Leong, secured about 65% margin of victory in the 2011 GE. Given that nothing very drastic has changed since then, except for the sacking of a sitting MP by the Workers Party, there was no real reason for the swing. Of course political commentators and letters to the press suggested that Hougang residents are finally ready to throw in the mantel of "sacrificial lamb" in favour of inflating their property prices through the behest of a PAP MP. But it appears that this is the minority view. The people of Hougang appears to continue to like the WP and returned the Hougang seat to them.

It was comical indeed, last night, when I was catching the press conference by the losing team. In the first one, Mr Desmond Choo was totally hidden behind the cameras and I could hardly hear what he said. And I was not the only one. A reporter at the scene made the same point and had Mr Choo repeat what he said, but his face was still hidden. Much later, CNA interviewed him again, without any other reporters in sight. DPM Teo was again standing next to Mr Choo, now in full view, saying the same thing for the 3rd time. The whole thing struck me as rather amateurish. Certainly the whole thing was not as carefully stage-managed as one would expect of the PAP machinery, but I suppose they weren't in the mood anyway.

My sympathies go out to Mr Choo. I don't know him personally, but from new reports leading up to polling day, I could see that he was working hard, and appeared to have the residents' interests at heart. I don't doubt his sincerity. He appears a good man. Young, handsome, energetic. What's not to like about him? His only problem is that he is with the wrong party, on the wrong side of the fence, so to speak. So what if his influence got Hougang a free legal clinic and whatnots. The benefit of these appeared unproven to 62% of Hougang voters. I think the WP also noticed Mr Choo's sincerity. At least MP Png Eng Huat (aka Huat Ah) appears to be able to get along with him, hinting at a cuppa or more with him in the future. Maybe Huat Ah can, in time, persuade Mr Choo that his political future in Hougang is with the WP, i.e. if he still wants to stay around in Hougang. Otherwise, he will have to wait out Mr Png's health before finally getting elected, like Mr Sitoh Yih Pin of Potong Pasir. But this is WP, so you can bet that there will be another good WP candidate then. Why shouldn't that candidate go by the name of Desmond Choo? He should just  join the WP, shadow Huat Ah for the next 4 years, get the residents to know him as the Low Thia Khiang anointed successor to the Hougang seat, and stand as a WP candidate for Hougang. I am sure the reluctant Huat Ah will be more than willing to step aside. The fastest way into Parliament, I'd say, though at the "wrong" side of the bench.

Its his choice but it will give the PAP a fit.

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At a Senior Citizen's luncheon, an elderly gentleman and an elderly lady struck up a conversation and discovered that they both loved to fish. Since both of them were widowed, they decided to go fishing together the next day.

The gentleman picked the lady up, and they headed to the river to his fishing boat and started out on their adventure. They were riding down the river when there was a fork in the river, and the gentleman asked the lady, 'Up or down?'

All of a sudden the lady stripped off her shirt and pants and made mad passionate love to the man right there in the boat ! When they finished, the man couldn't believe what had just happened, but he had just experienced the best sex that he'd had in years.

They fished for a while and continued on down the river, when soon they came upon another fork in the river. He again asked the lady , 'Up or down ?' There she went again, stripped off her clothes, and made wild passionate love to him again.

This really impressed the elderly gentleman, so he asked her to go fishing again the next day. She said yes and there they were the next day, riding in the boat when they came upon the fork in river, and the elderly gentleman asked, 'Up or down ?' The woman replied, 'Down.'

A little puzzled and disappointed, the gentleman guided the boat down the river when he came upon another fork in the river and he asked the lady,’ Up or down ?' She replied, 'Up.'

This really confused the gentleman so he asked, 'What's the deal? Yesterday, every time I asked you if you wanted to go up or down you made mad passionate love to me. Now today, nothing!'

She replied, 'Oh, yesterday I wasn't wearing my hearing aid and I thought the choices were fuck or drown.'

MS: I just had to put this up considering quite a number of you are in or around the same age group.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 5, 2012


I would like to wish all you mums out there a Happy Mother's Day. I know how hard it can be but it's good to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then. This is one day no one will fault you for doing so.

Here is a poignant reminder of how lucky we are. It's an email I received from Heather who lives in Long Island.

She writes, "I love your blog Missus Singapore and all the things you stand for. It's an intelligent blog which keeps me highly entertained and it's also so sincere because you even take time out to mark special occasions like Mother's Day.

"For me, Mother's Day is also the saddest time of the year for me because I lost my son four years to this day. He was my only child and my husband and I have not been able to overcome the grief to consider having another child.

"I just want to let your reader's know that they have to cherish this day because it can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I don't wish this even for my worse enemies. 'Happy Mother's Day' is the best greeting anyone can send you.

"Thank you for cheering me up with that Mother's Day video you recently posted. It put a nice smile on my face."

MS: Thanks Heather and on behalf of all my readers, don't give up on motherhood!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I would like to wish all you mums out there a Happy Mother's Day. I know how hard it can be but it's good to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then. This is one day no one will fault you for doing so.

Here is a poignant reminder of how lucky we are. It's an email I received from Heather who lives in Long Island.

She writes, "I love your blog Missus Singapore and all the things you stand for. It's an intelligent blog which keeps me highly entertained and it's also so sincere because you even take time out to mark special occasions like Mother's Day.

"For me, Mother's Day is also the saddest time of the year for me because I lost my son four years to this day. He was my only child and my husband and I have not been able to overcome the grief to consider having another child.

"I just want to let your reader's know that they have to cherish this day because it can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I don't wish this even for my worse enemies. 'Happy Mother's Day' is the best greeting anyone can send you.

"Thank you for cheering me up with that Mother's Day video you recently posted. It put a nice smile on my face."

MS: Thanks Heather and on behalf of all my readers, don't give up on motherhood!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Well, they always say juice is good for you but I am betting that you guys will be eager to be stocking up on some wholesome orange juice after watching this video. Have a super week ahead!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Ozaki Wagyu Farm: The Quest to produce the World's Best Beef!

Tajima-gyu at the Ozaki Ranch Do you remember the first time you tasted Wagyu Beef?  I certainly did and I am sure most of you would too because Wagyu is just one of those paradigm shattering experiences that you are not likely to forget.  Wagyu has since lost some of its mystique, now that it is readily available in Singapore.  However, I remember the amazement I felt when I first laid eyes on

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Beyond her music, Madonna has achieved many things - mostly controversial. One of them has to be this shot she took in the 1990's during her Blonde Ambition Tour. Remember that one?

But seriously, only she can make smoking seem to sexy and stylish! I remember a black and white shot of her with a black guy in the buff. The contrast was amazing and for me, that was a work of art! Perhaps, I should do my rendition of this, of course I'll have to charge for it!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Sentosa – Merlion

For this feature, I’ve floated the camera 7 meters above the Merlion’s head for an even better view of Sentosa !

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Alex W sent this in with an email sharing how his wife of 11 years makes him feel. Ever since their second child came along 8 years ago, she has insisted on always having safe sex. It's not so much a matter of contracting any STIs but to avoid having more children.

He writes, "Even during quickies, she pulls out a condom and makes sure I slip it on. We have sex all around the house so there are condoms in jars, condoms in the living room drawers, condoms in the bathroom and even condoms in the garage where I work on my roadster during the weekends."

Well, as long as he is still having sex, I'm sure many men married for that long will envy him.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Thanks to all your gals and guys for all your comments and emails on this segment. Interestingly, the gals who wrote in mentioned that I am an inspiration to them. Some of them are pondering on taking some shots of themselves.

Well, nudity is something given to everyone and if we don't start to embrace it, we will never feel comfortable with our bodies. How can you expect someone to appreciate your body when you don't to begin with. It is a big confidence booster and once you overcome the issues with nudity, you can embrace sex with one thing less on your mind.

By the way, I hope you like this week's photo for Thursday Tease!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Qiu Rong Ban Mian: Honest to Goodness Handmade Noodles

Ban Mian $3 One of our readers wrote in recently asking me why I haven't blogged about Mee Hoon Kueh?  Well, I'll have to admit that Mee Hoon Kueh is not one of my favourite foods.  In fact, it is probably at the bottom of the list of 10 ten things I ever think of eating.  One of the reason is because I never did come across this dish as a kid.  In fact, I think it only appeared on our hawker

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Here is another one from a loyal reader, James. I hope you guys are all prepared for a nice weekend and remember, you don't have to go out to have fun!

She was in the kitchen preparing to boil eggs for breakfast. He
walked in... She turned and said, You've got to make love to me this very

His eyes lit up and he thought, 'This is my lucky day.' Not wanting
to lose the moment, he embraced her and then gave it his all....right there
on the kitchen table.

Afterwards she said, 'Thanks,' and returned to the stove. More than
a little puzzled, he asked,

'What was that all about?'

She explained, 'The egg timer's broken.'

Missus Singapore out! 
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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It's about time I get back to this column as I've accumulated quite a number of email queries. I like to hold things up a little and sort them out since many are quite similar. Here  is one of them from 26-year old Florence Dalue. (Yay! I've got young women reading this too!)

Florence: My boyfriend of four years used to like me to be naked during sex. However, nowadays, he tends to want me to keep some of my clothes on. This is not the only thing he constantly wants differently. There was a phase he liked me in boots, pantyhose, rock cchick garb, etc. Let's just say that the only constant is that he is always changing what he wants. It's like I have to be a contortionist of sorts. I am a little confused and am wondering if he is getting bored of me. I'm interested to know what you think Missus Singapore.

MS: Well Florence, the first thing you ought to know about men and sex is that they are as fickle as we are when it comes to shopping for shoes. We go out looking for pumps and end up with heels after spending hours browsing through the shoe departments at the mall.

The key is to be versatile. Instill the habit and pre-empt his impending requests. Yes, men do get bored easily and if you are really interested, or want to be with him, it's important to fan the flames of sexual desire. It's not the only ingredient for a relationship but when you are younger, it's an important foundation pillar. It's the glue that binds two souls really. Once you got that set in, you can confidently build from there.

The longer you are with a guy, the harder it is to keep these flames burning but that comes with the territory. Of course he needs to do his part to like please you sexually and later - if you're together that long - take out the trash or bring Fido for his daily walk. 

You've got to be flexible as well. New lingerie, varying personas, different locations, lots of teasing and the likes will go a long way in fanning the flames of desire. Just make sure you space them out and make it a point to continue reading up about sex and how best to improve yourself.

A note though. Porn is not where you will learn anything. You may like to watch it together for arousal purposes but don't make it your source of information.

Missus Singapore out! 
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Video Vote!

Vote for the Videos that inspire you!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Very often, someone will ask what the secret is to enjoying the best sex. And almost always, my answer follows with two questions. Firstly, one’s definition of ‘the best sex’ and secondly, how they go about enriching themselves towards that end.

For argument’s sake, let’s take ‘the best sex’ to mean getting it from someone who wants it as much as you do. Let’s put aside the mind-blowing, sweaty and aerobic-type sex. After all, who has that on a regular basis?

The worse thing a man can do is ask another man who appears to be apt at pleasing the ladies. He may sugar-coat his story and you won’t know it. He may share what women have told him but numerous women I have spoken to have admitted to lying about how good a guy is in bed so as not to deflate his ego. So he is most likely left with ideas that he is some sort of sex master while these same women rush home to seek real pleasure with their sex toys.

The key is to do your own research (if you are really serious about getting some) from reliable sources. The operative word here is ‘reliable’. Read women’s magazines or sneak into forums and you will hear it as it really is. One of the best places I have visited which has the most realistic and honest opinions is SexIs.

The articles are written by everyday people who share their experiences – often intriguing, highly useful and sometimes downright hilarious. But you will definitely take something from it as I have and still do all the time.

The great thing about SexIs is that not only will you learn lots but she too will since it is an extremely female-friendly site. It’s a start. Since it is also a part of, you can also expose her to the range of wonderful sex toys that may just tickle her fancies. You can never tell. It will also give you lots of topics of conversation on the subject of intimacy and sex.

The other best place – and I cannot stress this more – to learn more about it is to have an open link of communication with your partner. Without that, all that you’ve picked up will mean very little.  It’s really a good way to get the right start in setting your sex life on fire.

Missus Singapore out!

Sexis - a provocative sex magazine at
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Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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VITAGEN: Prebiotics and Probiotics!

Advertorial The WHO defines Probiotics as "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host".  Unless you have been living on a mountain and hiding under a shell (ie Sua Gu - Mountain Tortoise), you would not doubt have heard about Probiotics by now.  Essentially, Probiotics are strains of "Good" bacteria which, when ingested, sort of make

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Here is a set of earphone buds that I'm sure many guys will love, and they don't even need to put them on! Thanks Vanessa for this clip.

Reminds me of a group of well-endowed weekend bladdergals that seem to assemble at East Coast on most Sundays. But I'm sure they would be more 'appreciated' if they exchanged their blades for pogo-sticks.

Have a great week and let's hope we get good weather for a change.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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In a poll I carried out between March and April this year, I asked what the longest strech was without sex after one became sexually active. A total of 156 people responded (thanks again) and it appears the most common choice was between one and three months.

That is a long time. Apart from the six to seven weeks after childbirth when I abstained, for obvious reasons, it has to be three weeks for me. And that includes no DIY! It was hard initially but you get used to it, although my friends did mention that I was a wee bit on the grumpy side. 

Here's the thing. Once you overcome the initial difficulties and begin a (conscious or unconscious) phase of abstinence, it becomes easier to be without it. That is a dangerous path to take because when you get too used to it (or without it), which many couples do, you might inadventenly put it on the backburner.

If work or family takes you away from one of the activities that gives the most pleasure or helps to de-stress, then you ought to relook at things. Sex is not the most important ingredient but it sure as hell is up there.

So anyway, here are the results of the poll mentioned.

Since Becoming Sexually Active, What Is The Longest Stretch You Have Been Without Sex?

Less than a week: 21 (13.5%)
2-3 weeks: 18 (11.5%)
1-3 months: 39 (25%)
3-6 months: 18 (11.5%)
6 months - 1 year: 27 (17.3%)
Too Long To Recall: 33 (21.2%)

Total Respondents: 156

Missus Singapore out!

Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Here is an image sent in by a special reader of mine, who knows me pretty well, inside and out. He's a great guy and doting father! I hope to see you soon YP and don't worry, I'll take both in my mouth. Hope you are all having a great week so far.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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La Pizzaiola: Affordable Pizza for the whole Family!

Parma and Rucola pizza 12 inch $16.90 Have you ever adopted a restaurant before?  You know, that's when you are so happy with everything at a particular restaurant that you tell yourself "Ahh!! From today onwards I am going to come here whenever I feel like having......!" Well, our family just adopted La Pizzaiola as our Pizza restaurant! The kids are always hankering for pizza and so I am

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It's that time of the week and I hope you have been having a good productive week at work. Hopefully this week's tease will give your tired minds a little respite. The weekend is almost here so take it easy.

Also, I'm still waiting for suggestions on planning a get-to-gether, since there are so many of you wanting to meet yours truly. Shoot away.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Another year older

I’m writing this past the stroke of midnight. Looking back, a lot has happened in the past year. I got engaged. We looked for a new home. Last November, we got married. We renovated our new home this March and moved in, a month later.

Looking forward, I’m still on the right side of 30 - but that won’t be for long!

Which is why, I am happy to announce, that we will be expecting a baby later this year :) It wasn’t something we planned judiciously but we were happy to go along with whatever God had in store for us.

The newspapers have been writing a lot about our ageing society and shrinking local population, and it sounds very much like the fault of people not wanting to get married (which is still the expectation in our conservative society), and married couples not wanting to have children. But this is not the full picture. I know a growing number of people who are still trying to start a family, sometimes at great cost.

So I am not taking our blessings for granted. Here’s to a new year of my life, and to a little new life.

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I'd like to thank all of you who have been chatting me up with my new facility. I do miss some of you and have been cut off from others but I put it down to teething problems. It's not as straight-forward as the conventional chat window as it doesn't quite beep and pop up when there is a message sent in. I'll probably sort it out in due course so I appreciate your patience. We will see how it goes.

On a separate note, I am pleased bythe overwhelming interest - all your comments and email - regarding my Thursday Tease pics but it's a little disappointing that you guys don't find other stuff worthy of your time here. I try my best to keep to a post a day and have been doing so since 2009 and its frigging hard! So do run through the blog and judge for yourself if it warrants more of your time on top of catching your eyeballs on Thursday.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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Another year older

I’m writing this past the stroke of midnight. Looking back, a lot has happened in the past year. I got engaged. We looked for a new home. Last November, we got married. We renovated our new home this March and moved in, a month later.

Looking forward, I’m still on the right side of 30 - but that won’t be for long!

Which is why, I am happy to announce, that we will be expecting a baby later this year :) It wasn’t something we planned judiciously but we were happy to go along with whatever God had in store for us.

The newspapers have been writing a lot about our ageing society and shrinking local population, and it sounds very much like the fault of people not wanting to get married (which is still the expectation in our conservative society), and married couples not wanting to have children. But this is not the full picture. I know a growing number of people who are still trying to start a family, sometimes at great cost.

So I am not taking our blessings for granted. Here’s to a new year of my life, and to a little new life.

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I'd like to thank all of you who have been chatting me up with my new facility. I do miss some of you and have been cut off from others but I put it down to teething problems. It's not as straight-forward as the conventional chat window as it doesn't quite beep and pop up when there is a message sent in. I'll probably sort it out in due course so I appreciate your patience. We will see how it goes.

On a separate note, I am pleased bythe overwhelming interest - all your comments and email - regarding my Thursday Tease pics but it's a little disappointing that you guys don't find other stuff worthy of your time here. I try my best to keep to a post a day and have been doing so since 2009 and its frigging hard! So do run through the blog and judge for yourself if it warrants more of your time on top of catching your eyeballs on Thursday.

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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I would like to wish all you mums out there a Happy Mother's Day. I know how hard it can be but it's good to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then. This is one day no one will fault you for doing so.

Here is a poignant reminder of how lucky we are. It's an email I received from Heather who lives in Long Island.

She writes, "I love your blog Missus Singapore and all the things you stand for. It's an intelligent blog which keeps me highly entertained and it's also so sincere because you even take time out to mark special occasions like Mother's Day.

"For me, Mother's Day is also the saddest time of the year for me because I lost my son four years to this day. He was my only child and my husband and I have not been able to overcome the grief to consider having another child.

"I just want to let your reader's know that they have to cherish this day because it can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I don't wish this even for my worse enemies. 'Happy Mother's Day' is the best greeting anyone can send you.

"Thank you for cheering me up with that Mother's Day video you recently posted. It put a nice smile on my face."

MS: Thanks Heather and on behalf of all my readers, don't give up on motherhood!

Missus Singapore out!
Missus Singapore or Miss Us Singapore (at your own peril) - A married woman on the loose

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